Shipment/Delivery Policy

Shipments or Deliveries are Simple as they may come & fast beyond expectations.

Shipment Procedure or Delivery Protocol

HyperLocals delivery procedure is short and simple. Once the order is confirmed the order gets delivered the same day or the next day depending upon at what time and what product the customer is confirming to HyperLocals.

Same Day is the broad term for HyperLocals, It can mean in next 4 to 6 hours after the order is confirmed by the customer, It can also mean if the order is confirmed in the morning it will be delivered by afternoon, evening or night, It can also mean if the order is confirmed by customer by noon or evening delivery can be done by night or by midnight as well.

For next-day delivery for a product or service, it can be the next day early morning, by noon, by evening, and in some cases up to midnight. 

The delivery generally depends upon what product/service the customer has chosen and by what time a customer is confirming the order.

For Oxygen Supplies We are available 24/7.





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